
Problems, linux, collection

My graphics card was broken again for about two weeks. It was changed with the new one (same model). I hope this time it will work more successfully.
I installed Fedora Linux 10 yesterday. Anaconda failed to boot in graphics mode. So I needed to install fedora in a text mode (it was the same with my via board). It is not a big problem to overcome, especially in fedora where you have yum and fedorafaq.org. However, for those people who dislike console it can be a reason to stop. Fedora looks nice and boots visually more faster than previous versions (as far as I know it was one of the main features in this version). I'll try to play with it later.
I have some new CPUs in my collection (several PA-RISC, dual PowerPC board, XBox ES cpus and others), however, I'll probably wait for all items to arrive before making any photos. It may take some time. I am going to stop buying them for half year at least (I need to save money).

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